Our Services

Medical Claim Processes Redefined

Excellent and Safe

Employees need appropriate, excellent and safe medical care

Appropriate Billing

Ensure appropriate billing and prevent over-servicing


Administrative support to monitor clinic visits, billing and payment

Reduce MCs

Management of medical sick certificate – reduce undeserving MCs

Reduce Wastages

Reduce over medication, duplication and reduce wastage

Wellness Care

Employee Transformation & Wellness Care to Increase Productivity

Levelling Health Care Costs

  1. 24 Hour Cashless service at panel clinics and hospitals

  2. Collate bills to minimize payment processing

  3. Manage membership database seamlessly

  4. Detailed data analytics to drive cost cutting solutions


We Do Things That Matters


Fixed Consultation

Fixed Medication


Appropriate Billing

Administrator Support

Quality Services Delivery

More than 3,500 Clinics and 700 Hospitals

Wide network of panel clinics reaching across peninsular Malaysia, Sabah & Sarawak

24 Hour Call Center

Our 24 hour call center is staffed with individuals who have experience in the medical industry. With dedicated support hotline

Strictly No Commissions

e-MAS has a strict no commissions policy. We do not take commissions from clinics or any other medical providers. We follow the most ethical practices to ensure appropriate billing without affecting service delivery.

Online System

The e-MAS Care Plus system allows clinics to verify patient eligibility in real time and submit claims immediately after treatment. This system also has 3 levels of abuse prevention.

Urgent GL TAT

Upon receipt of complete documentation, all GL requests are treated with urgency and GLs issued promptly

Service Actions

Outpatient Service Actions

The e-MAS medical review team routinely observes medical trends of coming out of claims. Using this analysis, the medical review team, will provide their medical opinion on how medical treatments can be better managed

Inpatient Service Actions

All admission requests are evaluated for their medical necessity. When an admission is found to be avoidable, the Medical Review Team provides the necessary advice to the patient. The patient however makes the ultimate decision.

Service In Action

Hospitalisation Process Flow

1. Patient Visit e-MAS Hospital

  • Nationwide panel hospital

  • Referrabl letter for non-emergency

  • Direct acess for emergency/accident conditions

  • 24/7 hotline 1-300-88-3627


  1. Know your doctor

  2. Ask for second opinion

  3. Always ask your doctor is surgery can be avoided.

2. Hospital Register Patient

  • Registration counter will request for your MyKad / e-MAS card
  • Hospital to contact e-Mas to verify patient, eligibility and entitlement
  • You may call e-MAS if facing any delay


  1. Hospital Response Time: subject to number of patients waiting for admission
  2. e-MAS Response Time: Immediately upon receipt of phone call

3. Hospital Fill Admissions Claim Form

  • Verification completed
  • Admission claim form to be filled by hospital and treating doctor
  • Patient to provide consent by signing form
  • Completed form to be sent to e-MAS hospital via email
  • Patient may call e-MAS if facing any delay


  1. Hospital Response Time: subject to number of patients waiting for admission
  2. e-MAS Response Time: 30 to 45 minutes from receipt of complete documentation.

Make sure to know the treatment plan prior to avoiding the consent Hospital may request for Deposit as per Hospital Policy.


4. e-MAS Medical Review

The e-MAS Medical Review Team (MRT) will perform the following verifications.

  • Dignosis verification 
  • Treatment plan verification
  • Patient safety factor
  • Patient communication

5. e-MAS Guarantee Letter

  • MRT approval for Admission
  • Patient Administration Team Issue GL
  • GL sent to Hospital Admission Counter
  • Patient can proceed for Admission with their known and trusted Doctor

6. Patient Recovery

Treating Doctor will provide appropriate treatment.

With the GL issued, the hospital will provide you the necessary treatments as per your policy terms and conditions

Discharge Process Flow

7. Patient Ready for Discharge

  • Patient has recovered 
  • Doctor Approved Discharge
  • You, patient notify e-MAS via whatsapp at: 
    018 788 3627


  1. Patient Name
  2. NRIC / Passport No
  3. Hospital Name
  4. Mention: Ready for Discharge

8. Hospital Patient Discharge Process

  • Doctor approves discharge after patient review
  • Hospital prepares itemized bill
  • Doctor signs discharge claim form
  • Hospital to send final bill and all reports and documentation for verification purpose to e-Mas to request for Final Guarantee Letter (FGL)

9. e-MAS Bill Review

  • Complete Discharge Documentation received
  • Excess Amount Calculated
  • Excess notice sent to Hospital
  • You, Patient Pay Excess at hospital before going home
  • Response Time: 30 - 60 Min

10. e-MAS Bill Review & Final Guarantee Letter Issuance

  • Hospital bill reviewed by Medical Review Team
  • Investigation completed (if any)
  • Bill verified, no double billing for unnecessary charges
  • Final GL issued to Hospital
  • Response Time: Subject to response time from hospital and case complexity. Within 1-3 working days.

Advisory Services

2nd Medical Opinion

How medical treatments can be better managed

Medical Bill Audit

Audit of medical claims are essentially performed to prevent and control overcharging by medical practitioners and establishments


Pharmacy Dispensing

Tigas Dispensing

  • Approximately 60% of Outpatient Expenses are for medications
  • Tigas Dispensing provides an avenue to reduce cost of medications by as much as 20%
  • Tigas dispensing leverages the Tigas Network of Pharmacies Nationwide to dispense medications at the most affordable prices

Tigas Dispensing - Implementation Flow


Communicate new dispensing flow to all employees.


Identify long term patients and brief them on requesting repeat prescription from doctors.


Patients request repeat prescription from doctors at clinics.

Dispensing & Counselling

Pharmacy will prepare medications for delivery Pharmacist will manage patient adherence by providing consults.


Pharmacy will submit all claims via e-MAS Claims System


Eximius Medical Administration
Solutions Sdn Bhd (e-MAS)
Level 13 Wisma Perkeso
155, Jln Tun Razak
Kampung Baru
50300 Kuala Lumpur
Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur
Telephone: +603-921 30103
Whatsapp: +6018 788 3627

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