Specialized Care
@ Family Clinic Visit
Tele-Medicine Specialist Consultation
Comfortable, Convenient & Advanced Medical Care for All
Specialist Care @ Family Clinic is a novel program by e-MAS© provided for the first time in this part of the world. Under this program your Family Physician can refer you to a Specialist Doctor online through the e-MAS tele-medicine platform for more detailed examination and investigations for non-emergency diseases. This specialised service is upon the suggestion of the Family Physician and the approval of the patient. The 2 doctors will communicate & discuss online and request for more investigations if required. The specialist doctor will also be able to discuss with the patient and then provide further treatment through the Family Clinic.
Patients will have the benefit of treatment as prescribed by the Specialist Doctor with the Family Physician and will be given appropriate prescription or medications.
If a procedure is required, the patient is referred to the nearby hospital with a referral letter by both the doctors. All care will be taken to ensure the patient gets the best treatment.
You don’t have to go to a Hospital finding transport and parking while paying high charges in the hospitals to get the specialist care.
Special Program for Clinics – Maximize Patient Outcomes with Virtual Specialists

Benefit for Patients
Able to consult a specialist doctor in the presence of your GP
Specialist Virtual consultation from your GP Clinic
Obtain valuable 2nd opinion for your condition
GP will check thoroughly during the specialist consultation
Save travel and parking time
Safe & Convenient way to consult your specialist without excessive charges.

Benefit for GPs
Offer advanced medical care to patients from family clinics
Provide effective treatment with specialist guidance
Gain patients trust and loyalty
Expand scope of services available
Using Digital Healthcare Platform
Access to specialists in various medical specialities

Benefit for Specialist Doctors
Able to provide specialist care to patients at panel family clinics
Obtain referral and support from a network of GPs
Using Digital Healthcare platform
Provide specialist consultation jointly with a GP
Provide consultation services at your own convenience
Provide consultation services nationwide
E-Mas Telehealth program offering affordable advanced medical care for everyone!

What to Expect During Your Specialist Care @ Family Clinic Visit
Under this program your GP can refer you to a Specialist Doctor online through the e-MAS tele-medicine platform for more detailed examination and investigations for non-emergency diseases.

Control of Infectious Illness
To help prevent the spread of COVID-19, flu and other infectious diseases, doctors can use telehealth appointments to prescreen patients for possible infectious disease. It also saves sick people from having to come in to the office. Less exposure to other people’s germs helps everyone, especially those who are chronically ill, pregnant, elderly or immunocompromised.

Better Assessment
Telemedicine can give some specialty practitioners an advantage because they can see you in your home environment. For example, allergists may be able to identify clues in your surroundings that cause allergies. Neurologists and physical and occupational therapists can observe you and assess your ability to navigate and take care of yourself in your home. Telemedicine is also a good way to get mental health assessment and counseling.

Family Connections
When consulting with your doctor, it’s always good to have a family member who can help you provide information, ask questions and take note of your doctor’s answers. If that person lives out of town, or even across the country, telemedicine can loop your family member in on the virtual visit if you authorize it.

Primary Care and Chronic Condition Management
Regular visits with primary care practitioners such as those specializing in family medicine, internal medicine and pediatrics, are essential to your family’s health. Telemedicine makes it easy to connect with a doctor or nurse practitioner. Some systems are set up so that new patients can get an appointment with the next available practitioner, which can save time.